Saturn in 11th House Synastry

Saturn in 11th House Synastry

Saturn in 11th House synastry relationships are based on serious friendship and mutual responsibility. The partners are socially active, and their general professional activities may relate to the social sphere. They are interested in increasing their spiritual and educational intellectual potential and try to engage in activities that provide opportunities for this. Friendly relations between Saturn in Eleventh House synastry partners are established quickly both at work and in everyday life.

In a negative scenario, the partners think more about personal mercantile interests than about the well-being of their union, jeopardizing the prospects of success.

10th House synastry aspects

from F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

Saturn in 11th House Synastry Explained

Your activity in informal groups will set your Saturn in 11th House synastry partner in a serious mood, and he may demand the same from you. Therefore, if your Eleventh House is weak, or poorly developed, or you just do not want to be serious about your friends, and you also prefer to spend a vacation with them in August on a beach in Florida, not in February skiing through Vermont, then exhortations your partner can cause you a strong protest and a desire to prevent him contacting your friends and informal groups to which you have at least some relation.

Working through your relationship, you will perceive your Saturn in 11th House synastry partner as a very serious, positive, and thoughtful comrade who can always be relied on and who does not rush to conclusions about you. And, if these conclusions are negative, you made significant mistakes. However, for this, the partner must learn not only to take your friends and group activities seriously, but also to delve into the precise nature of your circumstances and problems, and not to judge them hastily and from his or her own positions. You have to feel the seriousness of the partner’s tone and attitude towards you and try to grasp the hidden and not the external meaning of their words and actions: they are much more important to you than you think, especially when they seem to oppress your freedom to some extent.

from A. Podvodny

11th House Synastry

Saturn in 10th House Synastry