Tag: 1st House Synastry
If you find yourself at a social gathering and wonder why this or that person is showing off so obnoxiously, and why no one is trying to stop him, or even notices how obnoxious he is, do not get upset: find out his date of birth and prepare to cope with the ephemerides, should they accidentally fall from the Sun, Mars or Jupiter. If they do, you can be sure that your irritation is purely personal: you are basically jealous.
In a more favorable scenario, the inclusion of your partner’s planets into your 1st House leads to admiration whose nature will be determined by the planet: Venus causes a feeling of beauty, elegance, secularism, tactfulness, Mars – energy, the Sun – power, Jupiter – nobleness, Saturn – responsibility, the Moon – softness, caring, kindness, Uranus – an interesting, non-standard, unpredictable person.
This impression is superficial but rather durable: by changing shades and even polarity (the male Mars in the 1st house of a woman’s natal chart can give her two extreme points of the relationship range: “God, how much you love you!” and “God, how much you hate you!”, without any semitones), your attitude to your partner’s planets in your 1st House, will always be biased. Through these planets you perceive your partner to a great extent, and sometimes it is very difficult for them to accept it as the meaning of those planets to him or her may be very different.
Consider a synastry where your partner’s weak Saturn is in your 1st House. If your partner is a cheerful, lively, carefree man, then in these states you will perceive him partly detached. But in rare moments of despondency, depression, severe failures and diseases, and especially when he suddenly decides to finally become a serious motivated man – at these moments you suddenly feel a great personal responsibility for it and react, depending on the sign in which Saturn stands: passion (Aries), practical (Taurus), emotional (Pisces), etc. But all the circumstances of his life, where he is not enough, from your point of view, serious, responsible and disciplined, do not cause you a pronounced personal reaction, to which your friend may sometimes be very offended, but neither he nor you can do anything here. A closer analysis of our relationship will show that he is not really particularly fond of your purely personal performances (except for care during his illness, etc.) – they will activate his Saturn, making him lose his levity for a while and take life seriously, etc. So he slows down all your attempts at sincere personal behavior (on any occasion), for example, by translating the conversation into another subject or cooling you down with a purely Saturn’s cold: “Why are you so excited… you don’t have to take everything so close to you… be wiser.” Unfortunately, within the framework of the synastric aspect described, he has a much better chance of becoming wiser; on this material you can deeply explore the theme of personal humility (to learn to resent someone else’s coldness), and on a high level – to learn in difficult conditions and with small expressive means to convey subtle and deep personal experiences – the art necessary for a true actor.
If the husband’s Moon gets to the 1st House of his wife (it is, in general, natural for marriage synastric aspect), the wife will acutely perceive the needs of his physical body, which for the husband will be, of course, convenient, but not always pleasant, because, for example, his mental body, that is, the way of thinking, perceived by the wife through the prism of the physical, can lose a lot of beauty and grandeur (for example: the husband tells his wife his opinions on international politics, and she looks at him with betrayed eyes and thinks whether he has enough shirts in his wardrobe). However, this aspect means exactly the wife’s external, superficial interest in how well-groomed her husband is: if he comes home and declares that he is hungry, it serves as a strong incentive for her to act, but if he says he does not want to eat, it sounds like a buzzer, even if it weren’t true.
A much deeper concern for the husband is given by the position of his moon in the 4th House of his wife, or the conjunction of his Sun with her Moon. Similarly, the husband’s Venus in his wife’s 1st House gives her, if only her first House is not very struck, a vision of him as beautiful, elegant, tender – but also a constant dependence on his Venusian manifestations: small gifts, signs of attention, declarations of love. If their flow ends for a while, she takes it very personally and takes offense, as if saying with her whole appearance: “You are sent to decorate my life – so why you ignore your main responsibilities?” However, guilt in this case can easily be smoothed out by a gentle look or a beautiful bouquet.